Legal Tech & Innovation Nuremberg, Europe
This group is dedicated to personal meetings and networking in the context of legal technology and innovation in law. To this end, we regularly organize networking meetings. Specifically, we deal with interdisciplinary collaboration-technical solutions to legal problems and tasks in legal advice and enforcement. We would like to network in physical space by meeting in person in Nuremberg, Fürth, Erlangen or Umgenung and thus form a focal point for innovation, technology and law in Franconia and Northern Bavaria. In order to discover as many exciting ideas and best practices as possible, we are planning to connect internationally using video conferencing and similar technologies.
We are concretely working on the following topics:
- interdisciplinary collaboration
- technical solutions to legal problems and tasks in legal advice and enforcement of laws
- innovative approaches in the field of law
Further topics may come to life at any time. Please feel free to suggest whatever you want to exchange about.
Meetings will be announced on the home page. Please note that solely German language meetings may or may not be announced here. They will certainly be announced on the German website.
About us
Legal Tech & Innovation Nuremberg is an initiative by:
part of the network